Selected commissions

Are You Oversharing? Breathe

It can be easier to offload fears, worries and doubts to strangers than people you’re close to, but it’s a good idea not to share too much.

Were You Dumped…or Discarded? Psychologies

Knowing the difference can help you move on from a relationship break-up, and spot the signs that you might have had a lucky escape from a narcissist.

Mixed Emotions, Breathe

Do you have compassion fatigue, empathy overload or just want to better manage the people in your life? Understanding emotional literacy will help you find a way.

Cosy Glow, Breathe

Lighting up your home can be a healthy antidote to winter’s dark nights.

When Writing Groups Go Wrong, The Author

We’ve all heard of the joys of writing groups – their love, support and care. But what happens if your friends turn into foes?

What Kind of Gift Giver Are You? Psychologies

A well-timed, carefully chosen gift can bring joy to the recipient and the giver. But it’s often not that that simple. Exploring the power dynamics at play.

One Day in Paris (print) / Solo Trips and City Breaks (online), Breathe

Why day-long solo trips can transform your life.

How DNA Testing Enabled me to Discover my True Story and a Richer Sense of Self (print) / Why Discovering Your Ancestral Roots Can Help you to Truly Feel Like Yourself (online), The Observer Magazine /

Since the age of six, I’ve known that I’m a writer, but I gained a richer sense of self when I discovered my ancestors were gifted storytellers.

Are you Playing the Name Game? Psychologies

Exploring the science of naming and why mispronunciation matters.

Break from the Daily Grind, Breathe

It’s easy to grab a quick brew, but when you slow down the coffee-making process, make it special and share it with friends, it becomes a transformative practice.

Room to Breathe, Breathe

Personal space is the scaffolding on which all our social interactions are built. It’s intuitive, instinctive, and goes under the radar – until it’s violated.

Multi-hyphenates and Nichers, The Author

Are you a specialist or a multi-hyphenate? Exploring the pleasures and pains of both paths.

Heaven Scent, Breathe

How fragrances help form identity and hold memories and meaningful moments in place.

With Friends Like These…, Mslexia

What happens when people try to undermine your writing success? How to keep your creative foundations intact.

Writing from the Wound, Writing Magazine

Writing from personal experience is rightly valued, but there are pitfalls. Are you trading your fear, pain, and suffering for commissions, comments, and shares? Exploring the minefields inherent in personal writing.

Written All Over Your Body, Psychologies

Exploring how our bodies tell the stories of our lives. And how accepting how we feel helps us accept how we look.

Embracing Christmas 2.0, Psychologies

What do you do when life happens, and your festive celebrations no longer fit the mould? How to find light after loss.

Are You Secretly Hiding? Breathe

Concealing who you truly are is a survival strategy that works in unsafe environments, but it’s likely to leave you overworked, overtired and overwhelmed. Time to come out of your shell.

A Desk of Ones Own, Red (Guest Speaker column)

In this era of hot-desking and cafe co-working, what we really need is a rectangle of real estate to call our own.

The Art of Going Nowhere, Psychologies

When you make the journey the destination, you can end up exactly where you need to be.

How to Carve out Time for Yourself, Stylist

In times of turmoil or transition – like becoming a mother – we can’t always look to those around us for guidance, we need to go within.

Why Journalling Can Help You Find Yourself Again, Red (Career Happiness Supplement)

Struggling to let your creativity flow? Start with a journal and a few simple exercises.

Why Your Gratitude Journal Could Be Doing More Harm Than Good, Forbes

There are numerous benefits to cultivating a gratitude practice. But solely journaling about gratitude can harm your wellbeing.

How to Write Your Way to Wellbeing, Forbes

There is no fast-fix for depression, nor for other forms of mental illness. However, creativity is a remedy – a tonic that can help bring about real change. So, when the going gets tough, the tough ought to get writing.

How the #MeToo Campaign Highlighted Society’s Spiritual Sickness, HuffPost

The type of man who harasses women is the type who looks in the mirror and cannot stand what he sees.

How to Balance Your Hustle with Your Flow, The Numinous / Moon Magazine

As we emerge from our wintry cocoon and head toward the Spring Equinox, how do we keep worldly ambitions aligned with our intuition? How to support our soul goals by balancing hustle and flow.

Has the New British Vogue Changed the Media Landscape?, HuffPost

The new Vogue is a place where an immigrant can rise through the ranks.

The Life-Changing Power of Journaling and Freewriting, Kindred Spirit

Ever sat down in front of a fresh, new notebook with every intention of letting your creativity loose, only to find your mind drawing a complete blank? How to use journaling as a path to let go of resistance and anxieties.

How Shame Can Stop You From Fulfilling Your Writing Potential, Writer’s Digest

Writer's block can come from factors such as the fear that your draft won't live up to your expectations.

What To Do if Someone Reads Your Journal, Lapidus Journal

The first thing to do is give this event the weight it deserves. Don’t brush it off. Acknowledge that a boundary was crossed, and that it’s likely created a wound that needs to be healed.

Why Mastering Writing Skills Can Help Future-Proof your Career, Forbes

More and more jobs are being automated. But those who can use writing to demonstrate empathy, critical thinking, creativity, strategy, imagination and vision, will stay ahead of the curve.

How to use Journaling to Achieve Your Goals, Forbes

When you have a life-changing goal, you need to step into a new version of yourself. There’s a gap from paper to person – a messy middle needs to be bridged. That’s where journaling comes in.

Five Things to Know Before You Become a Freelance Journalist, Forbes

It’s essential to see freelance journalism as part of a portfolio career. And to see yourself as your own benefactor.

Getting in the Right Zone to Write, Forbes

Forced, cranked-out copy often feels just that to the reader. So, if you want your words to be well-received, make sure they're well written. That means cultivating a sense of wellbeing before, during and after you write.

What to Do When People Don’t Acknowledge Your Business, Forbes

Running a business – any business – comes with challenges, obstacles and hurdles to clear. So, the last thing you need is people failing to acknowledge that you’re in business in the first place.

Want to Quit Your Job? Five Questions to Make Sure, Forbes

In the past, the standard advice about quitting a job was that it was fine – as long as you had another job lined up. But times have changed.

The Blank Canvas, Fashionline

“I didn’t have a mission when I went into fashion, I was just hoping to pull a few birds.” ~ Interview with John Rocha

Thai Fashion Week, Fashionline

If all it took were creativity and flair, Thai fashion would be the buzz on everyone’s lips. But Thai trendsetters are still hoping that we’ll be on first name terms with them.

Writing from the Heart, The Introvert Effect

While social media, PR, marketing, and SEO can make you visible, it’s the quality of your content that keeps people coming back. How to write from the heart and connect with your readers in the process.

The A-Z of Winter Health, Right Start

We can’t claim it’s easy as ABC to keep your child healthy through the cold winter months. But armed with our 26 point survival guide, you have a fighting chance

Ronnie Corbett – Small in Stature, Big in Heart, My Weekly

He’s one of our favourite comedians, yet he can’t resist making jokes at his own expense. Is this humble warm-heartedness the reason for Ronnie Corbett’s big success?

Stars Behind Bars, The Stage

Interview with outreach group Pimlico Opera about its amateur dramatic work with talented prison inmates.

What Makes a Happy Marriage?, My Weekly

We looked for answers from seven celebrity couples

I Donated My Liver To My Brother, My Weekly

“We’re a happier group because we know we’re all going to be here. I don’t take life for granted any more. I know that every birthday or holiday we celebrate together is a gift.” ~ Interview with Felicia Labanca

How To Be Happy, Daily Express (Express Woman)

Stress, anxiety and depression now affect one in four of us. Even celebrities who seem to have everything are not immune from tumbling into an emotional abyss. Exploring ways to be truly happy.

The Good Foot Guide, Daily Express (Express Woman)

We expect a lot from our feet but if you find they are causing you problems it may not be down to badly-fitting shoes – it could be an indication on an illness somewhere else.

What Does Your Figure Say About You?, Sunday Mirror (M Celebs)

According to an American Psychologist, your body shape can provide a window to your soul – so what exactly are these celebs revealing?

Take a Deep Breath, Now

It’s one of the things we most take for granted, but knowing how to breathe properly can radically improve your wellbeing. Learning just a few breathing techniques can help everyone, from mums-to-be to stressed office workers.

Amazing Malaysia, Now

Head East to enjoy some of the world’s best shopping and most exciting unforgettable cities.

How To Get On TV, Sunday Mirror (M Celebs)

Desperate to be famous? Here’s how to get your 15 minutes…

24-Hour Holidays, Now

A long haul to some exotic clime is all well and good. But if your cashflow’s seen better days, a one night trip is the canny alternative. Here’s some ways to have a week’s fun in 24 hours.

Hot Spots USA, My Weekly

Going to America for your holidays? The lowdown on the top five must-visit US cities.

Palma: Majorca’s Capital of Chic, Now

Go star-spotting, soak up the sun, try tapas and enjoy clubbing on this sophisticated island.

Shopping All Over The World, My Weekly

Why stick to your usual shopping haunts, when you can bag so many bargains abroad?

Shoppers Paradise, Company

Night markets, malls, designer boutiques, and endless cut-price shopping opportunities mean you can pick-up a bargain and soak up the sun in Malaysia.

Mike Gets Happy, Daily Star (Star Mag)

Brookside’s own Mr Miserable is after a pop career, but somehow we can’t see him in gold hotpants.

All very Perry, Daily Star (Star Mag)

Tennis whites and strawberries and cream are hardly the combination you’d associate with Friend’s star Matthew Perry…

King Richard, My Weekly

Richard Widmark is one of the giants, a Hollywood hero who is one of our links to a golden past…

Prevention Vs Cure, Now

Work stress and a packed social diary needn’t make you feel run down. The secret is to concentrate on avoiding ill-health rather than treating symptoms. Try these 10 preventative measures to keep you glowing with vitality.

Dem Bones, Right Start

For children, falling over is a necessary part of growing up. But sometimes, taking a tumble can lead to broken bones.

Listen Carefully, Right Start

But what if your child can’t hear properly? Reporting on a common health problem that can have a huge impact on daily life.

Look! No Glasses, Right Start

Contact lenses can now be fitted safely for children from five years old, and may be more convenient for active youngsters.

Health In a Bottle, Right Start

If there’s one thing you can be guaranteed of this winter, it’s that your child will catch a cough or cold. Can health supplements help?

Summer Sneeze, Right Start

Exploring common allergic reactions that happen in the spring and summer.

Something in the Air, Club News

Exploring alternative in-flight health solutions.

Selected podcast interviews

The Power of Journaling, Diverse Minds podcast with Leyla Okhai

Journaling as an act of self-love and inner empowerment, Creative Conversations for the Soul with Amber Badger

We’re All Real Writers, The Secret Library podcast with Caroline Donohue

Expressing Yourself Through Your Writing & Blogging, On The Make podcast with Josephine Brooks

Finding Fresh Language and a New Publishing Model, The Secret Library podcast with Caroline Donohue

Finding Your Voice and Joy in Writing, Grow With Soul podcast with Kayte Ferris

Creative Self-Expression and Fully Accepting Yourself Through Journaling, Creatively Human podcast with Ruth Poundwhite

Writing for Joy, League of Extraordinary Introverts podcast with Katherine Mackenzie-Smith

Expert voice

Featured in Psych Central, Psychologies, Happiful, Mslexia, and various articles and books.