Writing for Creative Self-Expression
An online course with Greta Solomon, designed to help you find and express your inner voice
Enrolment is currently closed.
This course is a seven-module transformational programme in mindset, creativity, craft, and courage
Using audios, videos, and worksheets, I guide you to break through the blocks that hold you back. And you’ll learn how to release shame, fear, and self-doubt.
Through writing workouts, coaching questions, tasks, challenges, and tutorials, you’ll begin to uncover your voice and learn how to use it.
You’ll get transcripts of all the audios and videos, so that you can fully digest each lesson. And a 126-page workbook full of inspiring content.
Each module ought to take around 1.5 to 2 hours to fully complete, and you can snatch moments throughout your days to do so. But there’s no rush, so feel free to go at your own pace.
In addition, they’ll be weekly Zoom calls where you can integrate what you’ve learned, ask question, and get further insights and inspiration.
This unique course is designed for you to keep forever and become an integral part of your writing practice.
Do you wish you could write what you really want to write? The stuff that’s in your heart, deep in your soul, and on your mind?
Yes! All writers do – but it’s hard, right?
Because we’ve been conditioned to edit, censor, and second-guess ourselves. We’ve been taught that we need to please in order to be liked, loved, and accepted, and so we dilute our voices. We’ve been taught to take criticism and like a sculptor, begin chiselling away at ourselves until – over time – our structure falls. We take too much away here and leave not enough there and then feel broken and in pieces. So, we mask it up with discipline, harsh self-treatment, and perfectionism, or huge goals that leave us peddling wildly, or burning out.
We can fall into bad habits and put on fixed writing personalities that allow us to keep the fear at bay. But they cause stress and creeping doubts and shame about not living up to early dreams, or potential. Or perhaps we feel a general malaise that we and our writing just aren’t ‘good enough’.
Now, take a deep breath. None of this is pleasant, in fact it can be downright painful. But it is NORMAL. It’s par for the course in a writing career.
This course is about doing the deep inner work that so few people publicly talk about. This is the work that’s hidden by photos of perfect writing desks, and beautiful journals, and polished, published pieces.
But this sweat and tears work will make all the difference to your writing and your life. It will give you the grace to grow into the writer you were born to be.
I have been a professional communicator for 25 years, starting out as a women’s magazine journalist. Writing has unlocked so many doors for me.
I have now been distilling how-to information about writing and creativity for more than a decade, into two traditionally published books, articles, bespoke training programmes for corporations, university lectures, private coaching and tutoring, and various talks, workshops, and courses.
And, crucially, writing freely and easily is now second nature. When I come to the page, I can just be – and that is priceless.
So, what will you learn, and un-learn?
Module 1: Laying the foundations
Why you’ve signed up for the course and what you really want to get out of it
The ways in which other people have shamed you and your writing
The communication pyramid and how to navigate it
Module 2: Breaking habits and implementing new ones
Strategies for overcoming psychological blocks
Your writing personality and how it helps / hampers you
The reasons ‘why’ you want to write in a more free and expressive way
Module 3: Tapping into your creative current
Exploring the tool of object writing, plus how it helps you write freely
Writing sprints – interval training for your writing
Playing with images and filling the creative well
Module 4: Metaphor – the language of the soul
A deep dive into metaphors
Practical ways to increase your ability to create metaphors
How to create metaphor tables
Literary techniques to help you write in a fresh, vibrant way
An overview of how metaphors fit with other literary techniques (ideal for both fiction and non-fiction)
Module 5: Writing tools and techniques
The building blocks of articles and other pieces of non-fiction
Some key structural tools that let your writing shine
Spotting writing techniques in your favourite articles
Module 6: Building your own creative writing practice
The building blocks method for a writing life that fits YOU perfectly
Collating together your affirmations, goals, and insights
Designing a writing workout you can repeat again, and again
Celebrating your creative success
Module 7: Sustaining a writing life
Inspiration for an effective morning routine
Balancing pace and purpose
Creating time where there is no time
The importance of walking and writing
Keeping the creative channel open
What past participants say
“This course has set me free. ”
“I am so delighted with how this course has had an instant impact for me. Writing is always something I have been so drawn to, and yet I was packing it away and not confronting it – mainly because it was drawing me away from my other purposes and expectations in life, like motherhood and paid employment. Part of my marketing career has always involved business writing, but my urges are more relevant to my own creative self-expression, and a novel that I have in me, as well as writing for children.
“I have been fortunate enough to take a career break, and invest some time in this love for writing. The course came at the perfect time for me – and has put me firmly in an Alpha Zone. Now I sit for hours each day immersed in my thoughts and my words on a page, and I don’t want to stop. This course has set me free. My challenge now is to balance my flow with the daily hustle! Greta has provided an insight into how this is possible too.
“Facing my writing barriers head-on was huge but tapping into my creative flow and bringing in my senses has been the greatest realisation for me. Greta reminded me how to allow my senses to guide my hand.
“I never realised that a course on Zoom could give me access to an inner strength like this. I feel so much more empowered, productive, and successful – in my writing and in everyday engagements. I have travelled a huge chunk of my writing journey in a very short space of time. I also underestimated how close I could actually feel to people over an internet connection. We all know that Zoom is not the easiest way to build new relations, yet somehow, Greta’s guidance and facilitation seemed to put us at ease with one another. I surprised myself and looked forward to every live session! I have met some amazing people, and every one of them has inspired me in some way, from their contributions and their grace. This is the best money I’ve spent on myself in a long time. Thank you Greta.”
“I am healing that tender, violated part of my inner world. ”
“Before taking the course my experience with writing had been difficult, even though the urge to write has always been a part of who I am. When I was young, I loved to write stories and also wrote constantly as a way to express all the angst of my teenage years. Unfortunately, this led to shaming because those very personal journal entries were read by some who used them to ridicule and criticise me. I am only now coming to terms with what a violation that was and how it destroyed a very deep part of who I was at the time.
“You are the first person to name and identify the damage done by this kind of shaming and after working through your course I am recognising that I am well on the way to healing that tender, violated part of my inner world. Thank you so much for that!
“Over the years, these experiences have created a very judgemental, over-protective Inner Critic who has effectively stifled any joy I feel when I write. Overcoming that inner voice has been my biggest challenge.
“Perhaps the most significant change has been the remarkable, gradual fading of that critical voice. Now that I have a structure to work within and techniques to practice, it has given me a sense of direction and purpose that was missing before the course. All the tools you have given us, and all of your encouragement, have helped me to realise that I can learn to write. It is all about spending time – consistently – learning the skills of writing and communicating effectively. And I can do that!
“I think my biggest insight has been realizing that being a writer does not have to be a gift, instead it is about learning the skills, creating the discipline, and then write, write, write.
“I had several aha moments during the course. One of the most significant was when you shared that you did object writing every single day for a year! That really woke me up to the commitment I need to make to get the outcome I want and the best part of realising that is knowing that it can actually be done. It’s not magical, it’s not a divine gift, it’s achievable.
“I would just like to add that I really loved this course, Greta. I am so grateful that I was able to participate. The content totally exceeded my expectations! Your videos are not only a wonderful teaching tool but each time I watch them (and I do continue to watch them) I feel like we are having a cozy chat with a cup of tea in my living room. The course content is extremely useful and well researched, clearly and professionally presented and it flows easily from one lesson to the next.
“I am already writing with a newfound confidence and enthusiasm and I know I will use your tools and techniques as long as I write, which I hope will be forever.”
“I have come back to my heart”
"I am getting ready to publish my first piece on Substack, and just want to say that I wouldn't be doing it without the help I got on your beautiful course. Thank you for supporting us writers to come back to our hearts."
“I am dropping my inhibitions and self-doubt”
“At work, my writing experiences have been centred around technical writing. I had little experience with creative writing, but a huge desire to explore that side of me and tell my stories. I’m now able to place ideas into the appropriate building blocks, and I can use my creative currency. I am learning to write every day in ‘whatever’ capacity. Because of this course, I am becoming a better and more productive creative writer – dropping my inhibitions and self-doubt.”
“The pressure is off to be the perfect writer”
“I have always had a bit of a love/hate relationship with writing. I have been critical of myself for not being disciplined enough to write, or for not doing 'what others' were doing (i.e. Instagram posts, blogs etc), which then got in the way of the pure love of expressing myself.
“Now I feel like the pressure is off to be the perfect writer and I've started to enjoy writing for writing's sake. I now see that writing and creativity doesn't have to be acknowledged by other people for it to be worthy of being written. And I am giving myself permission to write without worrying about what others will think. The object writing exercise has been key to making me fall in love with abstract writing. Doing it has made me excited to just write and it has sparked my creativity as well as encouraging me to get in the habit of keeping my notebook close! This course has also made me realise that right now I need writing in my life but not as a way to communicate with others – more to heal myself.”
“I’m feeling less intimidated about putting pen to paper”
“I'm now feeling less intimidated about putting pen to paper, and I’m making more use of the small pockets of time that I have. I feel happier about building in writing time into my day (or night), whether it be 90 seconds or half an hour, it's all worthwhile.
“Before, my writing was very sporadic, and felt blocked at times, full flow at others. If what I wrote wasn't perfect or fully inspired I just gave up on writing altogether, which often resulted in me not writing for periods of time.
“What I've taken away from this course is that what you write doesn't have to be word perfect. I've learnt that it's starting the process that is important, and that there will be many stages before the raw material begins to take shape. This course has inspired me to get writing, so the rest is now up to me!”
“I now appreciate EVERYTHING around me ”
“Before taking part in this course, I had started to write a book. Having seen my book coach on a number of occasions, and having discussions about the content for my book, I realised that I wasn't quite ready for the task. I needed to do more reading and research into "writing".
“The challenges I faced were how to use techniques to engage the reader and make the text more interesting, how to form characters, how to include background information to build the story and how to change direction to keep the reader in suspense, rather than giving them everything up front.
“I love to read. Previously I'd read books without observing traits that are used to make me turn those pages. Now, I can appreciate the different literary techniques and marvel at how it helps to create a great story.
“My biggest insight has been understanding and being able to apply the literary techniques to my own work. Also, appreciating EVERYTHING around me – the environment, the sounds, the atmosphere as they can provide information for my written work. I find this amazing.”
“The workshop woke me up”
“When I signed up for your workshop, I came with the idea of redefining the role writing would play in my life. I needed to harness this skill again, as I set up my food business. I wanted to be able to record the life milestones in my family. I wanted to retell what I could remember of my grandmother’s history as she falls deeper and deeper into dementia. So many aspects of my life needed me to write. The workshop woke me up. I saw how my old love of writing, which had sustained me in girlhood, could empower me again. I have multiple stories to tell and share with family, friends, clients and anyone who will listen. I no longer feel encumbered by strict writing rules that shackled my creativity in the past.
“Your tips on how to make writing a habit, sparked the journey. Using my phone to jot down ideas until I have more time to revisit, was very valuable. Having a dedicated notebook for your writing convenient, so that you can write anytime. I flirted with imagery to have a more powerful effect on the reader. I have these stories from real life and my fantasies that are filling my mind. The workshop gave me permission and taught me the practicalities of mining them. I continue to be inspired.”
“A truly joyful experience ”
“I loved, loved, loved, every minute of this course. I looked forward to every new lesson, and every lesson contained nuggets of gold and information that has helped in elevating my writing. I feel re-energized, inspired, and motivated. I highly recommend this course to everyone who’s looking for a boost in their writing. Learning from Greta has been a truly joyful, loving experience.”
“I have more clarity now”
“Before your workshop, I had been writing a creative lifestyle blog for about two years, with no guidance or training. This was an experience I enjoyed immensely, and I felt drawn to. The biggest challenges I faced were not having the knowledge or skills required to improve my writing style and not feeling clear about my long-term goals in terms of writing.
“I now have writing techniques that were not at my disposal beforehand and which add depth and interest to my writing. I have more clarity as to where I want to go with my writing and what part I want writing to play in my career as a creative. I have had more confidence since the workshop to find my own writing style. My biggest insight is the realisation that using writing and literary techniques, such as metaphors (I loved the metaphor exercise!), can add real interest and perhaps a professional quality to my writing which serves to set it apart.
“I would like to also say that in addition to the skills, techniques and information taught in the workshop, I felt that there was a deep, soulful feel to the training. There was a strong message and learning that writing from the heart, finding your passion and being clear about the reason you write are equally as important as the skills and techniques. I believe this makes Greta’s workshop unique.”
“You have such a supportive energy and joy ”
“I have loved your class so much. Even though I haven't done everything – l will! This morning I was writing on the train and all the way from the station to the office my thoughts were constantly constructing words and phrases that I hurried to type before my colleague arrived. I felt that magic. There was such a natural urge to write that I felt relieved and fulfilled at the same time. I am on my way. You have such a supportive energy and joy. Thank you, thank you.”
“I feel I’ve found my voice again”
“When I was younger I wrote a lot and was really creative, but I've been on a sliding trajectory downwards ever since. To try and help this, about five years ago I set myself the challenge to start writing articles and try to get one of them published. After a good initial start I then dried up and couldn't even finish researching ideas, let alone start the process of writing. Fear and shame stopped me. My life has also ramped up massively throughout this time in terms of being busy and having less time to myself. This became a convenient excuse not to make time to write. So before doing the course I was severely blocked, mentally and creatively.
“Thankfully, I feel way more relaxed about writing and being creative now. It doesn't feel like this unattainable or exclusive thing anymore, nor something I have to completely clear out my day in order to do. I used to put it on a pedestal and think I could only write when I was exactly in the 'right' frame of mind, but inevitably I could never find those perfect moments and they remained elusive. So I've been catching myself living more sensuously since. I've been letting my mind wander whilst doing mundane tasks and enjoying the insights and potential for writing it brings. I appreciate the increase in awareness of joy since, especially from examining the most banal things in object writing. Probably most of all, I feel I've found my voice again.
“I still feel the weight of fear and shame within, but I feel I can cope with that a bit better now. I feel I have some way to go to address this, but I'm glad to have learnt some tools that can make a massive difference. That little changes can release a big voice!”
“I can tap into a different level of creativity ”
“I joined this course because I wanted to allow more space for creative writing in my life and to learn some new creative writing techniques. The course has encouraged me to read other people’s writing more carefully, spotting the different writing techniques they use. I’ve also really enjoyed doing the object writing and realising how that can help me tap into a different level of creativity. Thank you for being such a positive, encouraging, inspiring presence throughout the course.”
“I am so grateful for this magical course”
“I took your Writing for Creative Self-Expression course a couple of Decembers ago and I wanted to let you know how grateful I am for all the time, effort, and energy that you put into this magical course. I don’t think I will ever forget it. Shortly after, I was offered a corporate freelance writing gig, which I don’t think I would have had the courage to accept had it not been for this course. I still use your techniques and teachings regularly and revisit the course book from time to time.”
It’s time to lovingly put down the coping methods, heal at the root, and unleash your inner voice.
Whatever reason you wish you write – whether it’s to finish (or start!) that book, heal emotional wounds, write better business emails, or make strides in your professional writing career – when your writing flows, you flow. You give yourself the chance to succeed and you blow excuses, blocks, and fears out of the water.
I’d be delighted to be your guide in all of this and more.
About Greta
Author, Journalist, Writing teacher, Intuitive life coach
“Your personal aura, your ambience, Greta, is of generosity of spirit, of clarity, of possibility. ” ~ Rosi Lovdal, Artist
Born in London in 1977 to African-Caribbean immigrants from Nevis and Jamaica, Greta Solomon is an author, journalist, writing teacher (PTTLLS trained), and intuitive coach (ICF associate certified). Through her books and courses, she guides people to use journaling, writing and creative self-expression to wake up, connect to inner wisdom, and heal the tender, violated parts of their inner worlds.
At her state High School, Greta was an athlete, an award-winning violinist and held the position of Head Girl. She left her sixth form Catholic college with three A grade A-levels. In short, she was ‘the good girl’ and her life has been about shedding that mask, layer-by-layer through taking the road less travelled. She created her own path instead of conforming to the one laid out by her parents, teachers, peers, and society at large – refusing to be shoe-horned into a traditional graduate role that she knew would kill her spirit.
Greta has clocked up thousands of coaching and tutoring hours with her clients. She has a degree in psychology from University of Warwick, and began her career as a women’s magazine journalist – with feature writing and deputy editor positions at Woman and Executive Woman.
She got her break by cold-calling and knocking on doors, until she got a foot in the industry. She learnt the ropes while making tea and filing, until she landed her first writing assignments. This led to celebrity interviews, extended features and commissioning other writers.
After going freelance in 2002, as a health, travel and lifestyle journalist for national UK newspapers and magazines, she supplemented her income with PR and copywriting work. She was also a spokesmodel, sales, and brand representative for corporate clients. In addition, Greta was a hair and beauty model for print, TV, and film, and represented Great Britain in the Model of the Universe Competition. In 2006, she set up a sold-out English and writing tutoring business, which was the start of her teaching career.
She worked in PR for two years, leading the account for McDonald’s UK distribution arm. Then in 2011, Greta moved to Norway and lived there for six years. While pregnant she set up Greta Solomon Communications, a business writing training company. Within two months, through networking and cold-emailing, she had secured contracts with some of the biggest companies in the country. Her clients included Statoil (now Equinor), Wilhelmsen Ships Service, Schibsted Media Group, Tieto and Berg-Hansen.
In total, she has over 14 years of experience in training individuals and multi-million pound companies in writing skills, delivering workshops and talks in Norway, Holland and across the UK. She also introduced an in-the-field writing skills training programme for Save the Children, in Ethiopia, to better tell the stories that could touch hearts and minds. Greta was also a visiting business writing lecturer at University of London, City.
As a health and wellbeing journalist, her recent bylines include Red, Kindred Spirit and Forbes. She is the author of Just Write It! How to Develop Top-Class University Writing Skills (McGraw-Hill Education, 2013) and Heart, Sass & Soul: Journal Your Way to Inspiration and Happiness (Mango, 2019), which was shortlisted for best book in the 2020 Creative Impact Awards. She is also a published poet and songwriter, with a diploma from Berklee College of Music.
In 2019, she began to study energy medicine, taking training courses with Jeffrey Allen and Wendy de Rosa. This was the culmination of 20 years of personal growth work which has included studying voice, breath, movement, dance, singing, acting alternative health and spiritual law.
Greta lives in the south coast of England, and works internationally.