Overcome Imposter Syndrome with Journal Healing
You can sign-up, for free, to watch the replay of this 80-minute class with Greta Solomon.
This masterclass is about courageously learning to stand in the power of who you truly are.
Imposter syndrome comes when you are successful and high-achieving on the outside, yet feel weak, over-sensitive or vulnerable on the inside. Somewhere along the line you’ve internalised the belief that it’s not OK to be you, and that you need to mask who you really are. As a result, you feel not good enough and so can’t fully own what you’ve achieved. You may put your success down to luck, good timing, or other people’s goodwill and fail to give yourself credit. And you may have got into the habit of automatically putting yourself down.
These two states can collide if you find yourself being bullied at work, or in a relationship; in a toxic social or work environment; or having to constantly deal with difficult people.
Without a strong sense of self-ownership, you may find that your nervous system goes into the freeze response. This is common in successful, highly accomplished people who’ve worked hard to beat the odds. Your mind and body races in the face of verbal attack, tears may spring, and you feel unable to speak up for yourself. You think: Why can’t I cope? Why can’t I handle this when others can?
Then you think: I must not be up to the job. I can’t do this. I cannot thrive. I can’t get along, despite the fact that you have many, many glowing attributes.
The cognitive dissonance of this lowers your self-confidence. Because you already feel you’re not enough, you begin to overcompensate. You try harder to please people who are unpleasable. And you work harder and harder to do better and be better. This can cause cycles of intense activity followed by burnout and collapse, which affect your physical and mental health – and ironically cause your achievements to slide.
You can feel pushed from pillar to post as you try to figure out why you feel so misunderstood, and why you crumble in certain circumstances. You can even feel guilty or shameful for leaving toxic situations, workplaces, or relationships.
This masterclass is about courageously learning to stand in the power of who you truly are.
You’ll learn:
The role of fear, shame, blame and self-doubt in imposter syndrome
Why your nervous system response is likely to be an emotional flashback
How and why creativity heals
What journal healing is, and is not, and why it’s a key to long-lasting change
My vision for your healing path through self-expression
And if you want to go deeper, I will also share details of my online course: Heal The Shame That Sabotages Self-Expression. Taking a course like this is the road less travelled, but it’s the true hero’s journey for empaths, creatives, and sensitives. Because ultimately, imposter syndrome is a self-expression problem caused by deep-rooted shame.
What people are saying about the class
“This material is so powerful, and just being in Greta’s presence is healing. ”
“I’ve just watched the recording and wanted to express how powerful and moving I found it. Thank you for having the courage to bring up shame which as a 62 year old woman, I’ve lived with for decades and has blocked my writing since I was a junior reporter in Fleet Street in the mid eighties! A bullying senior editor bullied me and humiliated me in front of the entire newsroom and I gave up writing and took up a safe secretarial job. I realise now that I was the object of her narcissistic behaviours. I found the metaphor exercise extremely powerful and helpful in processing this.” ~ Diane
About Greta
Author, Journalist, Writing teacher, Intuitive life coach
“Your personal aura, your ambience, Greta, is of generosity of spirit, of clarity, of possibility. ” ~ Rosi Lovdal, Artist
Born in London in 1977 to African-Caribbean immigrants from Nevis and Jamaica, Greta Solomon is an author, journalist, writing teacher (PTTLLS trained), and an intuitive life coach (ICF associate certified). She is the author of Just Write It! How to Develop Top-Class University Writing Skills (McGraw-Hill, 2013) and Heart, Sass & Soul: Journal Your Way to Inspiration and Happiness (Mango, 2019). This latter title was shortlisted for best book in the 2020 Creative Impact Awards, translated into Vietnamese and produced as an Orange Sky Productions audio book.
Greta has clocked up thousands of coaching and tutoring hours with her clients. In total, she has over 14 years of experience in training individuals and multi-million pound companies in writing skills. She specialises in creating and delivering bespoke writing coaching and training programmes for individuals and teams at large corporates. She has delivered workshops and talks in Norway, Holland, Ethiopia, and across the UK. She was also a visiting business writing lecturer at University of London, City
Greta has a degree in psychology from University of Warwick, and began her career as a women’s magazine journalist. Between 2000 and 2002, she held the positions of Deputy Editor at Executive Woman and Features Writer at Woman. Greta still writes for newspapers and magazines, as a health and wellbeing journalist, most recently for Red, Kindred Spirit and Forbes. She is also a published poet and songwriter and holds a lyric writing diploma from Berklee College of Music.
In 2019, she began to study energy medicine, taking courses with Jeffrey Allen and Wendy De Rosa’s School of Intuitive Studies. This was the culmination of 20 years of personal growth work which has included studying voice, breath, movement, dance, singing, acting, alternative health and spiritual law.
Greta lives in the south coast of England, and works internationally.